Saturday, September 12, 2015

Geeking Off 147: Star Wars Episode III Commentary

We continue the Star Wars commentary with Episode III! Is this the best or worst of the prequels? It starts with a huge battle, but then again that battle has a coughing robot. It's grittier, but then again it's more CGI-y. Hayden Christensen's even whinier, but then again his hair is pretty fabulous.

Phil joins again along with Chad and Steele. Joy abounds.

(movie starts at 4:32)

Download here!

1 comment:

  1. Jon definitely had the best line this podcast, "I just realized they are watching the fertilization of an egg!" I fell out of my chair I laughed so hard at that!

    The extermination of the Jedi was simply ludicrous. I always thought the Vader had to actually hunt down the Jedi to eliminate them, which took many years. It probably would have been easy to turn the popular opinion against these old sorcerers however.

    It was pretty cool to see the "creation" of the Vader we all love, in spite of the ridiculous scream (NOOOOO!)
