Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Geeking Off 155: All Over the Place

We resume a conversation about Batman movies with a little bit of 10 Cloverfield Lane for good measure. Ultimately, however, the conversation angles more toward our culture of amateur film criticism and how that affects storytelling in the 21st century. It's our usual drivel.

This was recorded the same night as Geeking Off 154. You get Madbeard, Steele and Zo.

Download here!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Geeking Off 154: Superb at Rog Ueo Ne

The Batman/Superman conversation meandered off to Netflix, Stephen King, Spike Lee, The Cure, David Cross, Sally Field, Disney, Vanillaroma, Fantastic Four, Ant-Man and a bit of time on the Rogue One trailer.

Afterward we tell a genie joke and start up a plan for future b-movie watchings.

Then we mention David Gordon Green somehow. Also Jeremy breaks a Geeking Off record for namedrops.

Okay also, some talk about Dario Argento and Salo: 100.

Zo goes on about the panic movement and Italian neorealism.

Jeremy goes on about Peter Bogdanovich, then we mention a lot of Orson Welles stuff.

Download here!

Oh and part 2 of this conversation is likely on its way.