Thursday, December 26, 2013

Geeking Off 131: Overrated *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP*

Jon, Scott and Phil with Pete making a late appearance on this one. We present a happy Boxing Day to you with a few arguments as we take a lot of time to go over our individual lists of (what we individually feel) overrated movies. Many of the picks are obviously wrong. Also, keep in mind that we actually recorded this one well before Christmas and around the same time as Paul Walker's unfortunate death (which explains our talking about Christmas in the future tense and Paul Walker's death as happening "that week").

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  1. Just an idea of sorts...

  2. I disagree with everything said in this post!! Well, except for a few exceptions of Scott's movies, I agreed mostly with him...maybe that's why I married him?? If I had known how much he disliked The Village maybe I wouldn't have though, I like that movie :-). So first of all, Phil sucks, Up is sooo good and you can't really count blockbusters on your list of overrated because by default being a blockbuster means its overrated. It's supposed to be to get butts in the seat. Secondly, Jon I'm so disappointed in you! How can you list Breakfast Club and Goonies?! Goonies never say die!!!
    I probably could sit here and defend most of those movies, but I will just sit here and stew instead.

    So moving on even though I'm still upset, here are some ideas I've thought about for pods.
    Side note: I like it when you stick to a theme (like this one). I would rather hear 30 minutes on 1 topic than 2 hours on a hodgepodge of ideas. (Example: you could of made your Hunger Games discussion one pod cast).
    1. Thoughts on all of the Planet of the Apes movies.
    2. Best TV shows of all time.
    3. Discussion on lesser known super heroes and why they aren't bigger deals.
    4. From films you've made, what were your favorites and what would you have done differently now that they are done. What would be a dream film for you to make?
    5. List of movies you think are must see's or life definers for small children, list for pre-teens, and a list for teens.
    6. A hypothetical pod cast. Which actor would you want to play you, what type of movie would it be (jon's would be a John Hughes film. Scott would probably have a Wes Anderson one...just my guesses), who is your Hollywood wife.
    7. Best book to film movies, best original screenplays.
    8. Best soundtrack for a film
    9. Commentary of Goonies :-)

    If you've already done any of these sorry for not remembering! :-)
