Saturday, December 12, 2015

Geeking Off 152: Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi Commentary

Our final Star Wars commentary is behind us! We had some outside commentary suggesting that this one is the best. Admittedly, it is pretty good. Very nice to see this one again. It's actually been a lonely long time since I've seen it.

One thing that has been pointed out to me that I forgot to mention about this movie -- notice how the evil Empire always takes prisoners, but the good Rebellion always shoots to kill.

Film starts at 3:07

Download the podcast here!

Here's a link to a version of a Star Wars Battlefront commercial that has the Ewok getting shot in the face: (check out about 0:45)

Here's the link Zo sent us with the theory about Jar-Jar as the true phantom menace:

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you finished these commentaries before The Force Awakens. I look forward to your next podcast discussing everyone's initial reactions.
