Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Post-Episode Thoughts

As I listened to the first 'cast it got me thinking about the importance of themes and organization. I was thinking that we would jump around from topic to topic to help give you, as the listener, a feel for what we are about. It will be more concise as we move forward, but for those of you who know me personally I tend to rant/go off topic.

I hope for this to be a well-rounded podcast covering a broad range of themes. The underlying theme is geekery, somehow I hope to relate all topics back to this. The thing that I would like to see is for this to be an interactive podcast. As the listener, if you would like to hear or not hear something, post something for us to acknowledge. Every listener and opinion counts to make this the best Damn podcast EVER!!

I would like to personally thank each of you who listens to this podcast. It is an interesting concept, broadcasting an opinion for all to hear, setting oneself up for scorn and critique. I do hope that you enjoy this as we move forward and that you look forward to each post.


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