Thursday, July 21, 2011

Super 8

I am so terrible at posting these podcasts in an orderly fashion. We talked Super 8 like four weeks ago. Super 8 had one of the most intriguing trailers that we had seen in quite some time. We were all there and all square, chatting what we liked and didn't like. Zo thought that it was great, and he rarely misses, and he nails it this time. I hope that w can hear Jeremy, Chad and Scott, so when they talk lean near the speaker, cause the 3 of them spit hot fire. So crack a window a window it is gonna reek of awesomeness and originality.

Download Here

1 comment:

  1. I loved Super 8! Totally a throwback to Spielberg's awesomeness from my youth. Reminded me a lot of Goonies which was also awesome! You hear that Zo and Jon?? Goonies is awesome!
    :-) Best line in Super 8: "Waitress, can we order more fries? My friend is fat." Haha!!

    I know I've said this before to you guys, but M.Night is awesome! His movies are all different and interesting and make me jump. We all know not many movies do that! :-)
