Saturday, September 1, 2012

Geeking Off 107: Streaming Favorites

There were five of us again, so that's why it's a little distant and echoey. Of course, not all of us are right at the same time, so it evens out. The conversation this time around: simply some recent favorite Netflix streaming selections.

So yeah, we probably left off a few faves. Why don't you tell us what those are?

Also, I somehow said "Richard Grieco" sax solo from St. Elmo's Fire. OBVIOUSLY it was the "Rob Lowe" sax solo.

Anyway, you're in for a treat on this one, because I tacked on the 15-minute outtake of us rapping a little about the recent Sight and Sound results (where Vertigo is now considered the best movie ever).

Download here!


  1. I can second the motion for The IT Crowd. Also, Sherlock is a great show from across the pond.

    I also can recommend Transformers Prime. That show is more what the movie should have been.


  2. Sons of Anarchy. Where is that on your list? Now who’s with me?!?!?

    I am so glad that you brought up Breaking Bad as one of the best offerings available on Netflix. In fact, I just read an interview with Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman) who said that the CEO of Netflix just told him that Breaking Bad is the top viewed show on Netflix. It is even more encouraging that companies like AMC recognized that Netflix has done wonders for their viewership. I hope they continue to release these shows on Netflix. I hope that eventually other networks, specifically HBO, follow suit. I know that HBO has their own streaming service, but most people I know that have HBO don’t use it because they just DVR the show if they really want to watch it later.

    Greatest shows on Netflix for me:
    5. Scrubs
    4. Sons of Anarchy
    3. Arrested Development (might be no. 1, but I have it on DVD, so I normally don’t stream it)
    2. Walking Dead
    1. Breaking Bad

    Thanks for your recommendations on some of the movies available. I just got through watching “Goon”, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I thought the whole time that Alison Pill (Eva) was George Michael’s ugly girlfriend Ann Veal on Arrested Development, but it turns out that actress is Mae Whitman. Ironically, they were both in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

    Two of my favorite shows on Netflix are “How It’s Made” and “Dirty Jobs”, because who wouldn’t want to watch how gummy worms are made, or how to artificially inseminate a cow? Maybe now I should try to artificially inseminate a cow with a gummy worm? It could be interesting.

    With kids, you’ve gotta love Netflix. I can’t remember who said it on the podcast, but Transformers: Prime was brought up. Such a great cartoon. It is exactly what the movies should have been. If Michael Bay hadn’t also made Bad Boys II, I would have a petition created to never allow him to make movies again. Side note, the original Transformers cartoon from my childhood is also available on Netflix. Thank you Netflix for also bestowing this gift to my 6-year old son, so he too can enjoy the happiness of seeing Optimus Prime resurrected without having to experience the horror of seeing him killed in the first 15 minutes of Transformers: The Movie. Nice job Hasbro. Douchers…

  3. This is Rhett "blah blah blah blah blah new Footloose is better than the original blah blah blah" That was the only thing I caught from him and I'm thinking I didn't need to hear anything else he had to say. Obviously the original Footloose is better!! What a tard! I love remakes though cause then I get to re-live movies I've loved in a new way.

    I never had Netflix until I married Scott. Probably the best thing about marrying him is Netflix and DVR. :-)

  4. i was glad to hear this podcast because i have seen Breaking Bad (excluding season 5) and it blows.....all the other shows out of the water! it is the best show ive ever seen, and that includes Arrested D, but only cause that show wasnt as funny for the last season. Breaking Bad had me by the throat from the beginning and im going to be really disappointed if the last season is crap.

    Im pretty lazy when it comes to watching shows on Netflix...if its there ill burn through a season in a week and then wait with extreme anticipation for the next season to show up instead of spreading out the shows over time or going to Amazon and buying the season i need to see. this way i always have something im into on Netflix. right now its the Walking Dead. i thought it was going to be just another cookie cutter zombie movie type show but it was about relationships and the group dynamic as much and if not more so than the zombies. the movie 28 Days later is better than this series though. i know i know, apples and oranges.

    Madmen i dont care for. My wife and i gave it a 5 episode try and im still not sure what its about besides sleeping around. i liked the vibe of it all like you guys all mentioned and i liked seeing people not wear their seatbelts in their cars and seeing how women were treated in the 60s and i liked watching people smoke in buildings and airplanes...its the same feeling i get when i watch bigfoot viewing something you havent seen before or something you know you wont see unless you are watching it on this show. anyway, 5 episodes should have been plenty to grab my attention.

    i was skipping through the podcast near the end because i was at work and had to get back to it but i dont recall anyone talking about Dexter. thoughts?

    i love the IT Crowd. i sped through those in about a week.
    love breaking bad. waling dead is great too and im excited to try out Arthor and the others.

    1. that last entry was by me by the way...Clint
