Thursday, September 13, 2012

Geeking Off 110: The Sequel

The sequel topic was based on a Grantland article that we really ought to provide a link to. Well, whatever. It's likely Googleable. Plus, we pretty much went through the article pretty thoroughly in my opinion. Best sequel ever? I think we can all agree most likely (hint: don't be a girl and say "the one with the ewoks").


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  1. just commenting to see if i can.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ok, my test reply seems to have worked for now, so here are my full comments on this podcast. By the way, keep up the great work! I love to listen.

    I am SO glad that Bad Boys II ended up on Grantland’s list. How did Bill & Ted’s and Waynes World end up on the list, but Toy Story II, Shrek II, or Young Guns II not end up on there? Craziness… Pure and unadulterated craziness.

    Bad Boys II is not “laughably horrible” Jeremy, and I take great personal offense to that. How dare you, good sir!?

    The only reason Rocky II & III made it on this list was for nostalgia, and the hopes of some of these morons at Grantland to relive their childhood once again by watching these sub-par films (at least, in comparison with Rocky I and Rocky IV)

    Bad Boys II is incredibly funny, has great action, and is a perfect example of a true sequel that carries over the spirit and feel of the first film. Great acting? Believability? No, but then the Star Wars movies shouldn’t be held is such high regards if these are the criteria used to grade movies. Ok, Ok… let’s keep it in perspective. Even comparing Bad Boys II to other buddy cop movies, it is a much superior movie.

    Why did they put the LOTR up again Star Wars? Of course SW would have won, but all of these (LOTR & SW) movies are primarily catering to the same crowd. SW won because of the nostalgia. It is treated with a much kinder eye because of how old they are. I mean, I love them both, but LOTR had much better dialogue, much more emotion, much better special effects (even after George Lucus went back and reworked it), and far better acting. SW had a much better villain. Darth Vader and the emperor were much more menacing than the big cartoon eye in LOTR that just looked around, but other than that, LOTR should have done better in this bracket. I think in another 20 years, when LOTR has become more of a timeless classic like SW, it will be looked at with more fondness, overlooking some of the flaws that people tend to overlook with SW.

    Thank you so much Zo for professing your love for Bad Boys II as well. I look forward to the thrashing I am sure to receive for my list in the sequel podcast.
