Saturday, August 18, 2012

Geeking Off 104: EW's Cult TV Shows

You learn something when you go over a list of supposedly cult TV shows. You learn that any show can be considered a cult show. Some people have just got to love it a lot (and some people have to hate it). Maybe a list of cult shows is just another name for a list of shows. We lose Jeremy, but gain the Nasher in this discussion.

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  1. I started watching Better Off Ted and it is amazeballs! How have I never heard of it before?!? So funny and addicting.

    Not surprising, I haven't even heard of most the shows on this list. It's probably because I mainly watched old TV shows growing up (Absolutely Fabulous anyone?). I do agree with Zo that Roswell should be on this list. Loved that show!! Oh maybe Ghost Whisperer...stop judging that show scares me and makes me cry every single time!

    The shows I have seen on the list I absolutely love (which I guess could be cultish cause how often do you super love a show?): Arrested Development, Buffy (just started watching this year), Community, Firefly, Always Sunny, & MST3000.

    Shows I plan on seeing and have planned for sometime (which you all would know if you read my blog): My So Called Life, Supernatural, & X-Files. It's nice to know I'll be instantly hip by watching these cult shows.

  2. Dear Blogspot,

    I want to punch you in the jeans.


    Now that I have that out of the way, here is my fifth attempt at leaving a few comments here on Blogspot. It looks like they're staying on for now, so here's hoping that remains the case.

    I liked this list for the most part, and I happen to think Arrested Development should be at the top of the list. I can’t believe Buffy was at the top. It should be on the list, but toward the mid-teens at best.

    I was not aware of a lot of these shows, which probably reaffirms their status as “cult” shows. While that made for less appreciation of why they were on the list, it definitely introduced me to a few shows that I plan on watching. After all, who am I to say “no” to the joining of a cult? I was going to start with MST3k, but after seeing it’s Netflix user rating of just over 2 stars, it’s probably going to be a little further down on the queue.

    I was going to criticize the comment that “get a life” should be on the list (I think it was Jon that made it???), but then I found that show on another EW list titled “25 Greatest Cult TV Shows Ever”. Consider my rebuking…. rebutted?

    Where was “Chuck” on this list? I didn’t actually watch the show myself, but I did follow the fan’s push to keep the show on longer than it deserved, given its ratings.

    I complete believe that “Lost” should be on this list. A few of you didn’t believe that it qualified as a “cult” show, but I was part of that cult while the show was on. It had good ratings, but they definitely slipped as the show progressed and it was definitely influenced heavily by the fans. Remember Nicki and Paulo? There were several podcasts dedicated to the show by fans who found and discussed the easter eggs, including a weekly podcast done by the producers Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse. If you haven’t watched the show, you should listen to these podcasts as you go through the series if you really want to dork it up.
