Thursday, August 23, 2012

Geeking Off 105: Introducing the Imdb Trivia Game

Alright, so while we were waiting for Steele to come over, Zo and I invented a new game. Here's how you play. Someone finds a movie on Imdb and starts reading trivia to that movie to the other person who sees how few clues it takes to figure out what movie it is and then we trade off back and forth. Also, you can't just pick random movies. Each movie you pick has to be one click away from the previous movie.

Listen, and play along!

Download here!


  1. True of False: Mad Beard dominated me in this game?

    For those of you who listen Mad Beard had to edit this podcast for a full night, due to the dead spots and silence. Again I was utter pooh at this game

  2. I want to play with you guys!!

    I beat Zo with Starship Troopers & Book of Eli! I got them on the second clue...I'm pretty much awesome...on just those 2 questions.

    Zo kept picking trivia movies that I've never seen though. So I don't want to play with him...unless it's to guess his same movies so that I can win him...with my 2 right answers.
